Menadione, also known as vitamin K3, is a synthetic compound used primarily as a vitamin supplement in animal nutrition. It comes as a yellow crystalline powder and is an active form of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health. Menadione acts as a precursor to natural forms of vitamin K, which the body can convert and use for its biological functions. Although not commonly used in human nutrition due to concerns about its safety and toxicity in large doses, menadione is valuable in animal feed to ensure healthy growth and prevent vitamin K deficiencies. Its efficacy and usefulness in the agricultural industry and veterinary medicine make it an important component for animal welfare.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Gure boilurdun olio ongailuak boilur beltz zapore eta usain bizi eta sarkorra duten produktuak dira eta dagoeneko amaitutako platerentzako apaingarria da. Besterik gabe, janariari gure olio ongailuen tanta batzuk gehitu behar dituzu gure platerean boilur-azentua lortzeko. Osagai osagarria da plater ugaritan, plater sinpleetatik hasi eta goi sukaldaritzako errezeta konplexuetaraino: Arrautza frijituak trufatuak, tortillak. , trufa tostadak, pizza boilarra, haragi saltsa boilarra, pasta boilarra, risotto boilarra, lasagna boilarra, gazta boilarra, pure boilurduna, arrain boilarra, entsaladak ozpin ozpin trufatuekin eta imajina dezakegun beste edozein plater. Kontutan hartu behar da Olio-baldintzak ez direla sukaldaritzarako erabiltzen, beroak zaporea hondatuko bailuke, dagoeneko prestatutako platerak ontzeko erabili behar dira. Hidroxitirosolaren antiinflamatorio-aktibitateak indartzen du alergia-kontrako gaitasun jakin batek, tuber melanosporum-aren extractei egotzita. boilurra Gordinik kontsumitu (elikagai hotzetan edo egosi ondoren gehituta). Tanta batzuk nahikoak dira boilur-zapore atsegina lortzeko
Available sizes 10xL – 2/3cm
10xFree length
Other thicknesses: No
Table: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Alpha-pinene is an organic compound commonly found in nature, especially in essential oils of various plants such as pine, rosemary, and eucalyptus. It comes as a colorless liquid with a fresh, herbal and slightly earthy aroma. This compound is widely used in the perfumery and fragrance industry due to its refreshing and stimulating fragrance, which is often described as reminiscent of fresh forest air. In addition to its use in perfumery, alpha-pinene has applications in the pharmaceutical and personal care industries, where it acts as a flavoring agent and may also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its versatility and characteristic aroma make it a valuable ingredient in the formulation of a variety of commercial and consumer products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
La fibra de coco es un recurso natural sostenible que ha pasado de ser un problema ambiental a convertirse en una valiosa oportunidad para diversas industrias. Anualmente, se generan millones de toneladas de desechos de plantaciones de coco, de las cuales solo se utiliza aproximadamente el 15%, mientras que el resto se quema. En Brasil, por ejemplo, el consumo de agua de coco verde deja una cantidad significativa de desechos, equivalente al 85% del peso bruto del coco. Este desecho contribuye a aproximadamente el 70% de la basura en las playas. Sin embargo, este desafío ambiental puede transformarse en una oportunidad para reducir la contaminación y generar ingresos adicionales para los agricultores al vender los desechos para crear nuevos productos en lugar de quemarlos. La fibra de coco es una de las fibras naturales más duraderas disponibles, extraída de la cáscara exterior del coco. Es una fibra áspera y relativamente corta, que mide hasta 35 cm, y se cosecha después de 45 días, produciendo 10 kilos de fibra por cada 1000 cocos. Hay dos tipos de fibra de coco: la marrón, que es más común y se extrae de cocos maduros, y la blanca, que es más fina y se obtiene de cocos verdes después de un remojo de hasta 10 meses.
Proviene de confecciones de fábricas de tejano. Pre-industrial.
Destinados al deshilacho, a la transformación de los textiles en fibra para relleno, aislante etc.
La fibra de coco es un recurso natural con una multitud de beneficios que van desde la sostenibilidad ambiental hasta la mejora de la salud del suelo y la durabilidad de los productos. Su versatilidad la hace útil en diversas industrias, incluyendo la agricultura, la construcción y la fabricación de productos para el hogar. Al optar por la fibra de coco, no solo estás eligiendo un material de alta calidad y duradero, sino que también estás contribuyendo a un futuro más sostenible y apoyando a las comunidades locales.
Invierte en productos de fibra de coco y experimenta los múltiples beneficios de este recurso natural increíblemente versátil. Juntos, podemos crear un impacto positivo tanto en nuestras vidas como en el medio ambiente.
Descubre los Beneficios de la Fibra de Coco
La fibra de coco, también conocida como coir, es un material natural derivado de la cáscara del coco. Este recurso sostenible y renovable ha ganado popularidad en diversas industrias debido a sus múltiples beneficios y aplicaciones.
El nuevo corrector con activos de última generación presenta una textura muy ligera, sedosa y de fácil aplicación, para uso diario.
Mientras hidrata la piel delicada, estimula la producción de colágeno y elastina, y al mismo tiempo disimulará las ojeras y los pequeños defectos. Tiene una textura muy ligera que no se deposita en las arrugas finas.
Ayuda a:
Favorecer la microcirculación cutánea
Reducción de bolsas
Suavizar ojeras
Gracias a su excelente cobertura, se consigue ocultar manchas e imperfecciones en la piel.
Extracto de Fresno - Fraxin es un agente antiinflamatorio que también actúa como un eliminador de radicales libres eficaz. Es un excelente tónico para las venas, ayudando a mejorar la microcirculación.
Niacinamida - Vitamina B3 tiene propiedades Antiinflamatorias, se trata de un ingrediente que hidrata la piel en profundidad y refuerza la creación de células nuevas para mantener tu rostro libre de impurezas.
Mezcla de especias (sin sal) de uso culinario, para el coloreado y la condimentación de cualquier alimento sometido a tratamiento térmico (arroces, estofados, caldos, embutidos, etc.).
Formato: Caja 5 kg., bolsa 1Kg, Tarro 700g, Bote 170g.
Methyl salicylate, also known as wintergreen oil or methyl salicylate, is an organic ester with a strong, characteristic mint aroma. It is found naturally in wintergreen leaves and sweet birch, although it can also be synthesized. This compound is widely used in personal care products such as ointments, creams and liniments, due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, providing temporary relief from muscle and joint pain. In addition, methylsalicylate is used in the formulation of mouthwashes, toothpastes and aromatic products due to its refreshing fragrance. In the food industry, it is used in small quantities as a flavoring in chewing gum, candy, and other products. However, due to its potency, it must be handled with care to avoid toxicity.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Available Sizes
Other Thicknesses: No
Table: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Natural gamma terpinene is an organic compound found in several essential oils, especially lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, and thyme oil. It comes as a colorless liquid with a fresh, citrus and herbal aroma. This compound is valued in the perfumery and aromatherapy industry for its refreshing fragrance that provides herbal and citrus notes to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in perfumery, gamma terpinene has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used in the pharmaceutical industry in skin care and health products. It is also used in the food industry as a natural flavoring additive. Its versatility and health benefits make it a valuable ingredient in a variety of commercial and consumer products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Este aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico temprano es el resultado de una cosecha de aceitunas seleccionadas en su punto óptimo de maduración. Obtenido mediante extracción en frío y cultivado sin pesticidas, conserva un perfil sensorial vibrante y fresco, con notas frutales y herbales que resaltan en cada gota. Ideal para aquellos que buscan un producto saludable y de alta calidad, este AOVE temprano es perfecto para platos gourmet, ensaladas y aliños, proporcionando autenticidad y pureza en cada uso.
Acondicionador para platos terminados. Su sabor y aroma naturales e intensos, los de la trufa negra, son incomparables, despertando todas las sensaciones e intereses. Solo se necesita añadir unas gotas de nuestro aceite refinado para darle un toque de trufa al plato.
El aceite se obtiene mediante un proceso de extracción mecánica y en frío, decantado a baja temperatura en depósitos y embotellado sin filtración. Como resultado, tiene un "vapor natural" distintivo y mantiene intactas sus propiedades y vitaminas.
Es un aceite con un sabor aromático y vivo a trufa. Se recomienda para preparar diferentes platos, como: risottos, pastas, carnes, huevos fritos, tortillas y pescados.
Nuestros aceites ricos en polifenoles contienen hidroxitirosol, al que se le añaden extractos de trufa. Fecha de caducidad y periodo de almacenamiento: 24 meses.
Sagardo ozpin ontzea sagardo ozpinarekin eta landareetako osagaiekin egiten da, boilurra adibidez, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzena liluratzen duena, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atseginarekin, edozein motatako ontzeko oso goxoa egiten duena. platera, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak, arrautzak, haragi marinatuak eta ehiza arina, karpaccioa, haragia, espagetiak, pateak, gaztak, postreak,
Ozpin baltsamikoaren ongailua ozpin baltsamikoarekin eta boilur usainarekin egiten da, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Gainera, osasunerako onuragarriak diren propietate antioxidatzaileak eskaintzen dituen oliba zukua dauka. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzenak liluratzen dituena, kontserbatzailerik sartu gabe, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atsegina duena, oso gosegarria egiten duena. edozein plater mota janzteko, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak
Jasmine is a plant known for its highly aromatic and delicate flowers. It belongs to the genus Jasminum and there are several species that are grown for their flowers, especially Jasminum officinale and Jasminum sambac. Jasmine flowers have white or cream petals and emit a sweet, floral and heady aroma that is highly prized in perfumery and aromatherapy. Jasmine essential oil is extracted from flowers by distillation and is widely used in the high-end perfumery industry due to its rich and exotic fragrance. In addition to its use in perfumes, jasmine is used in the preparation of teas and in the manufacture of cosmetic and personal care products for its calming and aromatic properties. It is a symbol of beauty and grace in many cultures and its persistent and intoxicating fragrance makes it a coveted ingredient in the creation of various commercial and artisanal formulations.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Pre-assembled Multicolor Taco
Available sizes: 60x20 – 2.5/4cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Methyl jasmonate is an organic ester that occurs naturally in plants and acts as a plant hormone. It appears as a colorless liquid with a floral and herbaceous aroma. This compound plays a crucial role in defending plants against biotic (such as insects and pathogens) and abiotic (such as adverse environmental conditions) stresses. In addition to its role in the defense response of plants, methyl jasmonate is used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its characteristic fragrance that provides green and floral notes to aromatic compositions. It is also studied in agriculture as a potential regulator of plant growth and as a means of improving the resistance of crops to stressors. Its versatility in different applications makes it an important compound in scientific research and industry.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Thymol is a natural phenolic compound found in several plants, such as thyme and oregano. It occurs as a colorless or white liquid with a strong aroma, often described as herbal, spicy and slightly medicinal. It is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, making it useful in personal care products such as mouthwashes and disinfectants. Additionally, thymol is used in the food industry as a preservative and flavoring, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry in formulations for the treatment of infections and skin conditions due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Also available Thymol crystals (CAS: 89-83-8)
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Mint is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Mentha, known for its aromatic green leaves and its characteristic fresh and refreshing flavor. Its essential oil, extracted from the leaves, contains compounds such as menthol and menthone, which give it its penetrating aroma and therapeutic properties. Mint is widely used in gastronomy to flavor foods and drinks, in the preparation of infusions, and as an ingredient in confectionery and pastry products. In the cosmetic and personal care industry, it is used in the formulation of products such as toothpastes, mouthwashes, shampoos and lotions for its refreshing and toning effect. In addition, mint has medicinal applications, being traditionally used to relieve digestive problems, headaches and respiratory symptoms, thanks to its carminative and analgesic properties. Its versatility and health benefits make it a widely appreciated plant in various industries.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
White Snow Quartzite
Pallets: 25m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Multicolor Slab
Other thicknesses: No
Board: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
¡La primera base líquida mate de Delfy Cosmetics!
¡Creado exclusivamente por Delfy Cosmetics! Esta fórmula ligera y edificable Unifica el tono de la piel al instante, dejándola en perfectas condiciones como el efecto "Photo Filter".
Cobertura media a completa, fácil de suavizar, acabado totalmente mate, que dura horas, incluso en climas cálidos.
Su formulación líquida nos permite aplicar el producto no solo en el rostro, sino en el cuello y zona del escote, cubriendo las manchas y el tono irregular.
Su envase de gran volumen (100 ml) fue especialmente creado para aquellas que aman no solo el maquillaje del rostro, sino también la zona del cuello y el escote. También se puede utilizar en las extremidades.
También es muy cómodo y económico para maquilladores profesionales.
Ideal para usar en caso de Pieles Mixtas y Grasas.
Volumen: 100ml